Photo of the Pupil


Father/Mother/Guardian of
(Name of the student)
Class authorise the following persons as guardian and one local guardian of my ward. Any of them may visit or take my ward out of School.

Photo of the Guardian - I

Photo of the Guardian - II

Photo of the Guardian - III

Name Name Name
Relationship(with the child): Relationship(with the child): Relationship(with the child):
Address: Address: Address:
Phone No.: Phone No.: Phone No.:




पिता की फोटो/Father's Photo

माता की फोटो/Mother's Photo

संरक्षक का फोटो मामले में कोई भी नहीं माता पिता उपलब्ध है/Guardian’s Photo In case none of the Father & Mother is available

पिता के हस्ताक्षर/Signature of the Father

माता के हस्ताक्षर /Signature of the Mother

संरक्षक के हस्ताक्षर/Signature of the Guardian

पिता का नाम/Father's Name

माता का नाम/Mother's Name

संरक्षक का नाम/Guardian’s Name
*Local guardian should live within the radius of 100Km from Acharyakulam.